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National and International Academic Conferences


EISA PEC Conference. Presenter in the Panel "The Present and Future of (liberal) Peacebuilding with the paper 'The power not to decide? Liberal peace as a policy paradigm for International Organizations'. Postdam, 7 September 2023.


SISP CONFERENCE. Presenter in the Panel "Connecting Studies of Violent Conflict" with the paper 'The power not to decide? Liberal peace as a policy paradigm for International Organizations'. Genoa, 16 September 2023.


B4PEACE CONFERENCE with the paper: 'A Perepetual (liberal) peace? An empirical assessment of an enduring peacebuilding model'. Parma, 27-28 October 2022.


SISP CONFERENCE with the papers: 'A Perepetual (liberal) peace? An empirical assessment of an enduring peacebuilding model' AND 'The rise and fall of diplomacy from below: the rebel cooperation of Ya Basta!'. Rome8-10 September 2022


CONFLICT RESEARCH SOCIETY (CRS) CONFERENCE with the paper: 'Why doesn’t peacebuilding change? The role of intergovernmental organizations in the persistence of liberal peace. Online7 September 2022.


EISA PEC CONFERENCE with the paper: 'Why doesn’t peacebuilding change? The role of intergovernmental organizations in the persistence of liberal peace. Athens, 1-4 September 2022.


SGRI CONFERENCE with the paper:'Why doesn’t peacebuilding change? The role of intergovernmental organizations in the persistence of liberal peace. Perugia 16-17 June 2022.


EISA PEC CONFERENCE with the paper: 'Changing peacebuilding paradigm: lesson (not) learned?'. Online14 September 2021.


SISP CONFERENCE with the paper: 'Changing paradigm? Policy change and peacebuilding, drivers and inhibitors along the three orders of change'. Online, 10 September 2021.

Other Conferences

Conference on 'Epistemic Injustice' with the presentation 'Rebel Diplomacy', held by Interdepartmental Research Centre on the Americas. University of Genoa, 12 October, 2023


Internal Research Seminar with the presentation 'The power not to decide? Liberal peace as a policy paradigm for International Organizations', held by CCDP.  Geneva, 1 June, 2023.


Cycle of Conferences 'La guerra e la pace, i conflitti visti da vicino', organised by the Municipality of Monza and the Novaluna Association, with the presentation 'l potere di non decidere? La pace liberale come paradigma politico per le Organizzazioni Internazionali'. Monza, 12 April, 2023.


Internal Research Seminar with the presentation 'The power not to decide? Liberal peace as a policy paradigm for International Organizations', held by Globalcodes. Barcelona, 15 February, 2023.


Cycle of seminars ‘Violenza politica in America Latina’, held by Observatory on Conflicts, University of Genoa, with the speech ‘La Colombia e il post conflitto che non c’è. Peacebuilding e cambiamento politico’. Genoa, 21 March 2022.


Cycle of seminars ‘Colombia, la tierra del olvido. Pace e violenza nella democrazia più antica dell'America Latina’ held by Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sulle Americhe, University of Genoa; organizer and moderator. Genoa, 10-17-24 November 2021.


II International Congress of Young Researchers with the speech ‘Universidad y poder: sobre cómo escoger un tema de investigación y verdades incomodas’. 23 April 2020.


XVI Modern Language Week, hosted by Universidad Ean with the speech ‘La construcción de la comunidad académica en la formación de profesionales en Lenguas Modernas’. Bogotá, 8 November 2017.


Round table ‘Nairobi-Africa: Coltivare il futuro’, presenting the result of my field research in Kenya. Human Rights Centre. Padua, 11 April 2013.

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